Monday, September 22, 2008

Today is a good day.

It feels very good to be a part of a large project and see it get off the ground, especially when you work very hard at it and maybe even experience some stress over it.  The day after is great, especially when there is no alarm clock and the eight month old in the other room doesn't start to cry until almost 9am.

So, yesterday was the first worship celebration at the Firehouse.  It was a soft opening, so it only included those families that will be serving in ministries at the Firehouse.  Overall, I thought it went pretty well.  I must give props to Adam Deiner for all the time he put in.  He was there later than I was every night and spent every one of his past three or four days off there.  The sound was very good, and I know it will get better as we tweak it and get the drive rack programmed.  (For those of you who don't know what that is, think of it as a brain to the sound system that compensates for any weaknesses in the acoustics of the room)

I'm really excited for the creative potential for the music at the Firehouse.  It has been made very clear that we are a venue that is to be unique from the typical contemporary church band (which is done incredibly well at the Williams Street location).  Yesterday's band consisted of an Acoustic Guitar, a D`jembe, and an Electric guitar.  I'm trying to use the electric guitar more like a keyboard would be, but it is going to take some getting used to.  I'm not looking for alot of melodic leads or chunky powerchords, but for more chimey chords and some rhythmic or bluesy leads.  After playing acoustic for the past four years, I have to retrain myself to not chunk away at chords all the time.

Once I feel like we have that kind of band down, I'll start to introduce Reason software that will run MIDI tracks.  Try not to think about MIDI as an old school cell phone ringer playing dixie, but more like the kinds of synth sounds that are most prominent in hip hop or much of today's top40 pop.  We will try to marry that produced MIDI feel with a coffee shop acoustic groove and will hopefully find a great deal of variety in a small setting with a small number of bend members.

As far as family goes, Molly is doing great, although she is being a bit more fussy today than normal.  She is in the 50th percentile for the circumference of her head--I thought about buying her a plaque to let her know how proud I am of her--but she is in the 10th percentile for her height and weight...

In other words, if you lined up 100 eight month old heads by size, she'd be dead center, but when they all stood up, she'd disappear.

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