Monday, September 29, 2008

Open for Business

It's official... The Firehouse is open.  We still have a good amount of work to do to be ready for the video venue element, but this week and next include live preaching from Tevis.  Yesterday's message was on properly using our time.  This has honestly been difficult for me the last few weeks, since we have had to put in so much time at the firehouse just to be ready in time for the firehouse launch, but that is the nature of opening a new site--there is alot to do and it is very difficult to know ahead of time how long it will take.

Luckily, we are up and running.  There's a lot to do still do be functioning 100% but it feels really good to have the majority of it done.  I feel like I haven't been a worship leader for a few months now, so I'm excited to be back into leading worship regularly.

Molly is getting really big... she took a few steps forward today... completely on her own.  It's exciting and scary at the same time.  I put together a video today with some video we have of Molly.  I'll try to get it posted soon.

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